Big dreams don’t create successes, big actions do

4 min readAug 24, 2022


consistency pays

As I was sitting at the stop light watching the per session of cars turn I thought to myself, “dreams are like the waiting line of success. Then you realize everyone has the potential for success, and all they need is that light to go from red to green.”

It’s not a team effort at first. Your passion, work ethic, mindset and desire to achieve something great is like getting your sail up so you can catch and ride that initial gust of wind. Navigate in the direction where you want your future self to be. From there you can accomplish anything with a positive attitude on the inside as well as on the outside, because you got what it takes to get up and do it! The consistency component is being conscientious about how your decision-making plays a role in the bigger picture.

Now it goes like this, and I’ll say this as someone who’s been through it with experience. There are very few that will believe in the vision you have of making your own success. Why? We’re a results based society. In order to sell the shovel you have to show them where they can find the gold and dreamers are not always doers. That’s the challenge.

Wolf Of WallStreet

It’s like the scene in the movie Wolf of Wall street when Donny says, if Jordan shows him a pay stub he’ll quit his job then and there and work for him. So even if you got the greatest idea on earth, it won’t do you much good unless you can show others the proof your something works. You can implement results in the form of case studies, projections, profits or even success stories.

It’s hard to sell dreams and cotton candy

When you are young your filled with inspiration and dreams to become famous or do what you see on tv. The over excitement to share your plans out loud usually results in a pat on the head and a…”that’s nice, now clean your plate and finish cleaning your room.” At 25, it’s more of…”you can do it, you just need to start at the bottom.” And by 32, well…the rhetoric between family and friends about your entrepreneurial endeavors can get fairly harsh, billowing out like watching cotton candy melt when you pour water on it evaporating what’s left of any dreams that you’re still holding on to.

We become familiar with simple, and comfortable with easy.

It’s not their fault in all fairness. You NEED to make money. We tend to hold on to what we’ve been told generation after generation. We become familiar with simple, and comfortable with easy. That’s the turning point where very few buckle down and make change, while others watch it go by.

Most of us won’t venture to explore beyond the fray to define the undiscovered. We’re not all Harvard grads, and the business of doing business is cutthroat that’s not for the faint of heart. After all money is the name of the game to an extent, and we all don’t take the same paths. We all don’t acquire the same tastes. The same likes and dislikes, and we all, (very rarely) decide to put the priorities of others in front of our own, with the exception of our parents.

If you want to be a marketer then find other successful marketers. If you want to work on a farm, then find other farmers, because that’s where you’ll find the problems that need solved and ultimately your niche startup.

You’re probably not going to invent the next scrub daddy working as an electrician. Problems don’t arise from one market that translate into another (typically). So it’s wise to find what you love doing the most where you can have the biggest impact at creating the most effective solutions.

Don’t sweat the small stuff


The key to finding that solvable problem is to just have fun. Forget the money part. That will come later. A popular phrase that comes to mind is, “let the chips fall where they may.” It signals that the more you focus on what you can control and less of what you can’t, then the better off you will be mentally and spiritually.

As a marketer myself, yes being able to analyze metrics, and make predictions based off of the data so that we as marketers can provide more effective results that turn into business decisions is a high priority, but serving people first and foremost should be at the top of that list too. That becomes all the more easier when stick to what you know best.

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Written by Steve

Marketing 🧑🏻‍💻🎯 I help people start or grow their marketing Get Started. PDF + webinar ➟

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